Félicitation pour votre nouveau site ! ... La devise du jour : "Firmius ad Pugnam" Parce qu'il va vous en
falloir du courage ... Meilleurs voeux de réussite et de sérieux pour 2020 Meilleures pensées Hercule Hercule Navarrau-Arsa
Congratulations on your new site! ... The motto of the day: "Firmius ad Pugnam" Because you will need courage ...
Best wishes for success and
seriousness for 2020
Better thoughts Hercules Hercule Navarrau-Arsa
Hercules Hercule Navarrau-Arsa
Votre site est intéressant?
Que se passerait-il si vous obteniez la réponse au mystère mais que cela n'avait rien à voir avec un trésor se trouvant à Rennes le Château?
.... had a good look at [the Journal] today, and I got to say, congratulations, you've done an excellent job. I think its extremely good, all round. Really great content, to start with.... but i would almost say if anything its too long. not because its too long, but because it could easily be split into two issues and it would still be excellent.
Anyway, congratulations again, I was blown away actually.
Great journal.
Hi there
Many thanks for getting back to me regarding your excellent journal, it is indeed full of extremely helpful and enlightening information.
I first purchased a copy from you on ebay & I just immediately wanted to sign up! I’ve just visited the website and subscribed today.
It’s great to see such enthusiasm please keep up the Great Work
Hi, very interested in all that you write, thank you.
A very good afternoon to you!
As an avid Rennes enthusiast since my teens (sadly, I’m now 40!), I was delighted to come across your site. I think it’s exactly what is needed in the Rennes community.
Keep Rhedesium going if you can. It’s such a valuable resource now most valid research has been wiped.
There’s so much great info on Rhedesium !!!
Nic Researcher