02 Sep

Monsieur Silvain has been well known among the community of researchers into Rennes-le-Chateau. He has published many books and runs a website. Here is some of his analysis - but what i am interested in is a new name he brings to the research ....Silvain, in trying to understand the Reddis Cellis stone suggested that it was an anagram....viz: 


The anagram is: 



In this case, P.S. must be read "Pierre Sacrée" (Sacred Stone), and designates the menhir of Peyrolles, still called "Pierre dressée" (Standing Stone) on the French IGN map. We still had to clarify the P and the S, with the help of the name of neighbouring villages. 

The origin of the name Peyrolles (P) is reported by Patrick FERTE on page 307 of: "ARSENE LUPIN SUPERIEUR INCONNU". 

For Louis Fedié, this megalith owed its name to the territory in which it lay, Peyrolles, whose etymology is: 

"Peyra-olla" = "Stone-funerary urn". 

The origin of the name Serres (S) could, according to Messrs HIVERT and MURAT, come from the Sanskrit "Sar", which means "star" (ser in Celtic). In our view, this could be an allusion to the Holy Grail, one of whose denominations is "The morning star". 

P. FERTE (pp. 140-141) reports the opinions of several authors concerning the Peyrolles menhir: 

According to historian Louis FEDIE: "The menhir of PEYROLLES is only some 200 metres from the road, across from milepost 65 km. It is in ancient (sic) limestone, inclined S.S.O. and raised 2m50 above the ground. Its greatest width is 0.75 m, its thickness 0.60 m. It is said that a VAST EXCAVATION EXISTS UNDER THE MONUMENT, the earth resonating hollowly at the foot of the megalith (note of the late Abbé ANCE). But here we are finally across from the château d’ARQUES." 

"We should mention a circumstance that struck us greatly. Around this and almost at the base of the monument, the firm terrain, which seems encrusted with pebbles, presents a singular phenomenon. It sounds hollow under horses' hooves, as if the rider were passing over a vault. Is there, near the Celtic stone, a cavern hollowed out by nature? Or is it the hand of man that has dug the ground at this point and hollowed out a cavity of some size?" 

"We are justified in believing that a cavity lies under this peulvan, a natural grotto or cavern dug by the hand of man, a good place for excavations." 

According to Monsieur G. SICARD (1926): "The ground resonates under foot around the monument and it is said that a fairly wide cavity or excavation exists underground." 

Here we come to the new name in Rennes research, which Silvain said, predictably enough came from abbe Maziere's [Mazieres seems to be a player that looms large behind the Rennes-le-Chateau enigma - see elsewhere on this site] and is identified as the words of a M. COURTEJAIRE. 

According to Monsieur MAZIERES: "M. COURTEJAIRE had established that there, where can be seen the raised stone of Les Pontils, near the village of ARQUES, hence north-east of RENNES-LE-CHATEAU, there is a fault. By deduction, he was persuaded that in this place there was an ancient Iberian-Gallic temple, volque, and perhaps caches..." [http://www.rennes-le-chateau-la-revelation.com/secrets2-uk.htm] 

Why does Courtejaire suddenly come up with the idea of an ancient underground Iberian-Gallic Temple in the place by the stone of Les Pontils? A rudimentary internet search brought up one other reference to him: 

"What I mean is that the temple of the corbeaux was underground, windowless and therefore easily concealable and hard to find. 

Only Courtejere (see my book The treasure Map on page 82), parent [?] of Ernest Cros (polytechnician), who Beranger Sauniere [had] known and who Cros had criticized for his archaeological destruction ...., which is not surprising ... Indeed, Joseph Courtejaire (future professor at the University of Toulouse) had known in his adolescence old Ernest Cros who communicated to him certain confidences. This led him to study the ground where was planted the only menhir of the region: the menhir of Peyrolles .... . He discovered a fault near the site. No one will know what he saw because he was convinced (for having discovered?) the existence in this place of a Gallic temple of the Volques Tectosages - whose structure - Ibero Gauls?. Obviously he could not know what it was exactly. The "chance" he wanted all his life [?to investigate] never happened as he died early and his research "falls into oblivion". 

Anyway we must remember that the plant biology professor whose expertise was supplied often much more information than a geological study. The growth and distribution of plant species range from either side of the "lip" of a geological fault and the trained eye of a botanist to discover privy with the most secret recesses of land". [http://adam-alchimie.org/le-temple-des-corbeaux-de-rennes-le-chateau/]. 

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