10 Sep

I have reposted this from the Facebook page of French researcher Stéphanie Buttegeg. 

Discover in this WebAudeTV / TV Noisetiers 11 report the new assignment of the rectory of the municipality of Coustaussa 11190 (near Rennes le Ch âteauteau) reclassified to Cold Case understand ′′ cold case ′′ or unsolved crime scene. Inspired by the true story never elucidated of the horrific assassination of former local abbot Gélis on November 1, 1897 in this very house, Stéphanie Buttegeg, audoise tourist guide and project investigator leader, is offering you today 124 years later of tracing the victim's standard day and identifying the perpetrator (s) of the homicide. From original evidence, clues and other official police reports of the time, you will then conduct the operations, alone or in many, as a real investigator at the very site of the death of Abbé Gélis and then try to Put one or more names on the murderers never stopped in this sordid story.Contact and reservation: Stephanie 06 73 72 81 20

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